Stanlee is my pup that does all the modeling for my shop. He is super sweet, loyal, and knows how to model a bow-tie very well. What you probably don't know about Stanlee is that he actually suffers from two things: anxiety and allergies.
Ever since we adopted Stanlee, we knew he had some type of skin problem. Stanlee gets pretty stinky, even after just having a bath, his skin is usually pink and itchy, he breaks out in hives and is sensitive to just about anything. After having the little guy for 3 years, we decided it was time to get an allergy test to see exactly what it is he's allergic to. We tried e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. and nothing seemed to get his allergies under control, and our vet visits to something less frequent than every 6-8 weeks. So, we did an allergy test a couple weeks ago and we now FINALLY know what it is he is allergic to.
A specific type of mold.
That's all.
I honestly thought the vet was going to say he was allergic to grass, pollen, wool and even his own dander!
However, when an allergy test comes back, if the dog's level is over 150, they are considered allergic to that item (and they test for everything). Stanlee came back with a level of 1300+ for this specific mold! Yes you read that correctly, over 1300! Talk about severely allergic to this mold. Our next step is to give him injections every 4-5 days over the next 6 weeks and then he will go to just once a month, hopefully.
Because we have lived in four different apartments in four different cities across Ohio, the vet didn't seem to think it was a problem with our current living conditions since Stanlee has a very long history of skin allergies, and our apartment complex is brand new. Mold can grow anywhere, but the vet explained this mold is common in old homes, basements and very humid walls. We aren't sure exactly how this severe allergy came about. The vet said it could be the product of his last home environment before we adopted him, and his body reacting to being removed from that environment.
Either way, we now know what Stanlee's allergy is, and how to treat it which makes this momma very happy. And, seeing him in his little bandaged paw made me want to cuddle him even more than usual. How pitiful does that little paw and face look.
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